The 2013 show took place September 14th and 15th at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on West Gray.
Winning plants from the 2013 Show
First Place Sweepstakes Second Place Sweepstakes
Lithops aucampiae ssp euniceae

Richard Stamper

Mammillaria hernandezii

Josie Watts

Third Place Sweepstakes

Euphorbia capsaintemariensis

Karla Halpaap-Wood

Best Succulent Best Cactus
Conophyton herreanthus ssp rex

Richard Stamper

Mammillaria spinosissima 'Super Red'

Josie Watts

Best of Show
Euphorbia francoisii

Richard Stamper

Best Artistic Display
Euphorbia francoisii

Richard Stamper

Best Educational Display
Liliana Rodriguez Cracraft
Best Novice Plant

Mammillaria spinosissima

Paulette Patterson

More Show plants and displays

Sales Plants
Photos by Karla Halpaap-Wood