
Membership in HCSS is open to all individuals and families interested in Cactus and Succulent plants.

Annual Membership fees:

• Family: $25.00

• Indvidual: $20.00

• Outside of US: $35.00 (to cover cost of mailing KK)

To join HCSS simply come to any HCSS Membership Meeting or the Show & Sale. Fill out a membership form and pay the membership fee.

You can also join by mail. Memberships are from January through December.

Membership form


Mail form along with check or money order payable to HCSS to:

Cindy Gray, 2012 Snowy Brook Trail Bryan, TX 77807

We have name badges that you can order here, if you want one.



* HCSS does not release member information to the public and only uses it for club activities.